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At Estefit Safranbolu Beauty and Life Center, we have been serving our clients from Karabük, Safranbolu and surrounding provinces and districts for 6 years with our experienced staff and state-of-the-art devices in laser epilation applications.

What is laser epilation?

Laser epilation is the process of removing unwanted body hair using laser beams. Just like a dark car heated in the sun, when laser light hits the hair, the hair absorbs the light and turns it into heat. The heated hair transmits the heat to its root and the root is damaged by the heat. There will be no hair growth again from the damaged hair follicle. With this logic, we can clearly say that laser epilation will not be effective enough on thin and light-colored hair. According to this logic, it is clear that there will not be a type of laser that also affects white and blonde hair. There are methods such as needle epilation for hairs that are not suitable for laser epilation.

What are the types of laser epilation?

In laser epilation, beam types such as diode (810 nm), alexandrite (755 nm), Nd: YAG (1064), Ruby (694 nm) and IPL (600-1200 nm) are used. All of these beam types have advantages and disadvantages. A good laser epilation center in Turkey should have diode, alexandrite and IPL laser types. Ruby lasers are not a common type on the market. Nd:YAG lasers are used on black people and for bleaching hair. In short, there is no such thing as clear that this laser beam is better and that laser beam is bad. There is a successful and safe epilation according to your needs, and the type of beam to be used for this job varies from person to person. Estefit Safranbolu Beauty and Life Center has diode, alexandrite and IPL laser types.

After talking about laser beam types, it is necessary to mention cooling systems. Normally laser hair removal without cooling is always a painful procedure. In order to reduce this pain, skin cooling is done with a system in the laser devices themselves or with another device. The cooling in the icing head mentioned in recent years or in the registered trademark Ice Laser (used for Soprana brand devices) is generally based on the principle of cooling the head with liquid. This cooling system is used in diode and IPL devices. These devices are applied by contacting the skin, and the part of the head touching the skin is cooled with liquid. Other types of lasers and some IPL devices use the skin cooling technique by blowing cold air inside the device or from another device.

A lot is said about IPL lasers. First of all, IPL is not really a laser beam. IPL is intense light. Since laser or IPL devices are generally defined as laser epilation devices in society, we use the expression laser epilation to be clear. Epilation devices used at home are also IPL. The difference between these devices used at home and professional devices is their power and energy. Home devices have lower power and energy than professional devices. IPL devices offer a wide variety. By placing special lenses on IPL devices, it is possible to emit light at the wavelength of diode, alexandrite and Nd:YAG rays. As this lens technology is constantly improving, it has begun to emit light at a clearer wavelength. In this way, they can target the hair without affecting the surrounding skin. Another important point in IPL devices is the power of the IPL light source. If this power is low, epilation success will be low. Since there is no specific standard in IPL devices, IPL devices are generally treated as step children, but successful laser epilation can be performed with a suitable IPL. Statements such as IPL devices make hair go to sleep are valid for low-energy devices. Since these devices cannot apply sufficient energy, the energy cannot be adequately transmitted to the hair follicle, the hair follicle does not receive sufficient damage and the hairs are only smoked. IPL devices are also used by physicians in skin treatments with special lenses. These applications should only be performed by physicians. While the wavelengths are changed with lenses in IPL technology, there are also technologies that enable diode lasers to shoot at alexandrite and Nd:YAG wavelengths by changing the wavelengths of LEDs in diode lasers. Devices with this technology are originally diode lasers. In devices that emit laser beams, there is no need to set too many standards since they have a single wavelength. Our aim here is not to praise IPL lasers, etc., but to state that we do not find it right to completely criticize them. As we mentioned before, a good epilation center in Turkey should also have a state-of-the-art IPL device.

In short, as a consumer, when choosing a center for laser epilation, pay attention to the availability of different laser types. 

In which areas is laser epilation performed?

Women prefer the following areas for laser epilation:

  • lower leg

  • Upper leg

  • Bikini

  • Butt

  • Belly button circumference

  • belly line

  • nipple circumference

  • mid chest

  • Waist

  • Back

  • lower arm

  • upper arm

  • Armpit

  • Chin

  • upper lip

  • Favorite

  • Cheek

  • between the eyebrows


Men prefer the following areas for laser epilation:

  • Leg

  • Your wife

  • Chest

  • Waist

  • Back

  • Shoulder

  • Arm

  • Armpit

  • neck beard line

  • upper cheek beard

  • between the eyebrows

  • Nose

  • Ear

Female Laser Hair Removal Areas
Male Laser Epilation Areas

Who is laser epilation suitable for?


People with light skin and dark hair are the most suitable people for laser epilation. The reason for this is that in these people, the laser beam only affects the hair follicle without affecting the skin. People with these features get the best results from laser epilation. With developing technology, laser epilation can be applied to all skin colors, but the results may not be as good as those with light skin and dark hair. After the age of 14, laser epilation can be performed with the permission of the family until the age of 18.Laser epilation can also be performed on the following people:

  • Those who have diseases that cause excessive use, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, male hormone excess, and Cushing's Syndrome, which cause excessive hair growth, are treated with the approval of their physician.

  • Those with excessive hair growth of unknown cause (idiopathic hirsutism)

  • Those who frequently suffer from hair follicle inflammation are in the inflammation-free period.

  • Those with ingrown hair problem should be in the non-inflamed period.

  • For those with post-pregnancy hair growth, excluding breasts during breastfeeding.

  • Athletes who regularly shave their hair

  • People who are cosmetically disturbed by hairs

Who is laser epilation not suitable for?

  • Laser epilation has no effect on those with yellow, red, orange, white and quince hair in the application area.

  • pregnant women

  • Those currently receiving cancer treatment

  • Those with skin cancer

  • People receiving acne treatment

  • People using pacemakers

  • Those who have a disease that causes light sensitivity or is stimulated by light, such as SLE, porphyria, epilepsy

  • Those who have hormone disorders and refuse treatment

  • HIV (+) people

  • Those with vitiligo, psoriasis and active inflammation in the application area

  • Sunbathing, solarium, in the first 3 weeks after waxing

Is laser epilation painful?

A slight stinging sensation may be experienced during laser shots. The feeling of pain in laser epilation varies from person to person and depending on the application area. While some people say that they do not feel any pain, some people say that they feel a slight stinging sensation. Cooling systems in laser epilation devices relieve or reduce pain by cooling the skin. If necessary, cooling can be done with an ice battery during laser epilation. We do not recommend using local anesthetic cream before laser epilation unless our experts advise. If there is severe pain or a burning sensation, the specialist must be informed. 

Is laser epilation harmful?


Laser epilation, including IPL devices, is an FDA (American Food and Drug Administration) approved permanent hair removal method. The laser hair removal method is considered by the FDA as a safe and effective method for permanent hair removal. After the laser epilation procedure, you can continue your daily life where you left off. Laser epilation does not cause any harm to organs, reproductive organs and lymph nodes. These tissues are too deep for the laser beam to reach. Laser beams do not contain harmful rays such as radiation, microwaves, etc.

How is laser epilation done?

First of all, 1-2 days before the laser epilation session, the area to be treated should be cleaned of hair without irritation, as specified by our experts or with a razor. If this process involves cleaning an entire area in our center, it is subject to a fee.

Laser shots are made with the device head, with or without gel, depending on the device used, on the area prepared for laser epilation application. During these shots, a slight pain may be felt, although it varies from person to person and from region to region. To further alleviate this pain, the device head can be moved around the skin or an ice pack can be applied. We do not recommend the use of local anesthesia products before the epilation procedure as they may have drawbacks. 

When the application is completed, the application area is cleaned and you continue your daily life by following the necessary precautions and warnings.

How long does laser epilation take?

Depending on the size of the application area, it may take between 10 minutes and 2 hours.

What should be the laser epilation session intervals and how many sessions should there be?

Session intervals are at least 3 weeks. Session intervals vary from person to person and region to region. After the session, our experts will inform you about when you can come. We recommend that the first sessions be done more frequently and subsequent sessions be done at longer intervals.

What should I do after laser epilation?

After the application, you can continue your daily life where you left off. Application areas should be kept away from direct sun contact and solarium. After 3 weeks of the procedure, sunbathing and solarium can be done. We recommend applying sunscreen and moisturizing cream to the treated areas. There are situations when care must be taken, especially in the first 3-7 days. We do not recommend bathing on the first day. We recommend warm baths in the following days. We do not recommend skin-irritating procedures such as scrubs, peelings, etc. in the first days. Tight clothing should not be worn in the first days. 

For more detailed information 'Informed Consent Form for Laser Epilation'You can take a look at or contact our center.

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